

The Palacký University Olomouc, together with The Myanmar-Institut e. V. (Berlin), is organizing the Interdisciplinary Myanmar Conference 2024, to be held in Olomouc on 21-23 June 2024. The conference theme is “Myanmar's International Role: More Than a Buffer State.” More info on the conference website

Summer school

The summer school themed "Navigating Geostrategic Dynamics in the Indo-Pacific: Focus on Southeast Asia and Myanmar" for PhD and advanced Master’s students with a background in social sciences and humanities will be held on 17-21 June in Olomouc. Some of the speakers in the summer school include Brantly Womack,  Michal Lubina, Catherine Renshaw, Paul O'Shea, Elizabeth Rhoads, Kristina Kironska, and others. More info on the Summer school website

Public lecture by Catherine Renshaw

As part of the Interdisciplinary Myanmar Conference 2024 (21-23 June), the keynote speech “Burma/Myanmar and the United Nations: Hope, Hypocrisy and Betrayal”, delivered by Prof. Catherine Renshaw (Western Sydney University), will be open to the public (as well as recorded).


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