Film Screening: Exploring the Rohingya Crisis
Join the Myanmar Studies Center at UP for a film screening, The Ice Cream Sellers, shedding light on the lives of the Rohingya people in Bangladesh.
The screening will be preceded by a short introduction and followed by a Q&A session with Dr. Monika Verma to contextualize the film and the issues it presents. Snacks will be provided & everyone is welcome!
Where and when:
Palacky University Olomouc, Department of Asian Studies, tr. Svobody 26, Room SV-2.56
9 December 2024, 18.30
Marie Curie Sklodowska (MSCA CZ) fellow Monika Verma joins the MSC
In September 2024, Monika Verma began her new position as a research fellow at the Myanmar Studies Center, where she will be for the next two years as a recipient of the Marie Curie Sklodowska (MSCA CZ) fellowship. Her current research delves into the securitization of migration in South Asia and its broader consequences for Rohingya refugees. More information on Monika Verma and her research can be found in her blog post at this link.
The Palacký University Olomouc, together with The Myanmar-Institut e. V. (Berlin), organized the Interdisciplinary Myanmar Conference 2024, held in Olomouc on 21-23 June, 2024. The conference theme was 'Myanmar's International Role: More Than a Buffer State.' More information and the program can be found on the conference website.
Public lecture by Catherine Renshaw
As part of the Interdisciplinary Myanmar Conference 2024 (21-23 June), the keynote speech “Burma/Myanmar and the United Nations: Hope, Hypocrisy and Betrayal”, delivered by Prof. Catherine Renshaw (Western Sydney University), was open to the public. The recording of her speech is available here.
Summer school
The summer school "Navigating Geostrategic Dynamics in the Indo-Pacific: Focus on Southeast Asia and Myanmar" for PhD and advanced MA students with SSH background was held on 17-21 June in Olomouc. Some of the speakers included Brantly Womack, Michal Lubina, Catherine Renshaw, Paul O'Shea, Elizabeth Rhoads, Kristina Kironska, and others. See the summer school website.