Embracing Diversity and Learning Beyond Borders: My Erasmus+ Journey in Czechia

Pátek 31. květen 2024, 15:27

As I sit down to reflect on my journey thus far, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible experiences that the Erasmus+ program has gifted me. Today, I'm excited to share with you a glimpse into my adventure here in Czechia since February 2024. From the moment I embarked on that 18-hour flight, anticipation mingled with nerves coursed through me. Little did I know, this journey would unfold into a tapestry of cultural immersion, academic enlightenment, and personal growth. Upon landing in Czechia, I dove headfirst into my studies, delving into the intricate realms of Chinese politics and arts, navigating research management classes, and immersing myself in a survey workshop. Each lecture, each discussion, has expanded my horizons, enriching my understanding of the world in profound ways. Yet, beyond the confines of the classroom, it's the warmth of the Czech people that has truly left an indelible mark on my heart. Their kindness and hospitality have made me feel right at home, forging friendships that feel as though they've spanned lifetimes. Nestled amidst the cozy weather and tranquil ambiance, I've found solace in the quietude of this place, a sanctuary for introspection and contemplation. But my thirst for exploration knows no bounds. Throughout my stay, I've embarked on journeys to neighboring European countries, from the picturesque landscapes of Slovakia to the majestic allure of Austria, Poland, and France. However, it's the profound experiences etched in the solemn grounds of places like Auschwitz and Mauthausen that have left an indelible imprint on my soul. Walking through the corridors of history, I've gleaned invaluable insights that transcend the pages of textbooks, understanding that some lessons are best learned through firsthand experience. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of my professors and coordinators, who have been beacons of guidance and encouragement every step of the way. In particular, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Kristina for her instrumental role in providing Burmese students like myself with this life-changing opportunity. As my Erasmus+ journey continues to unfold, I find myself humbled by the wealth of knowledge and experiences that each passing day brings. It's a journey of discovery, of growth, and of forging connections that transcend geographical boundaries. To the MSC@UP community, I extend my sincerest thanks for allowing me to be a part of the team as well. Here's to embracing diversity, fostering understanding, and embarking on journeys that redefine the very essence of learning.


-Yu Mon Htay-


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