MSC providing EMPM-funded virtual internships for Burmese students

Úterý 14. leden 2025, 12:09

The Myanmar Studies Center (MSC) at Palacký University Olomouc (UPOL) has partnered with the European Union Mobility Programme for Myanmar (EMPM), an EU-funded initiative aimed at providing education and training opportunities to Myanmar students. The MSC offers two internship positions funded by EMPM (see below).

To start the application process, send an email to including your CV and a motivation letter (half a page max). In your letter, briefly introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in this internship. If your application is accepted, we will issue a Letter of Acceptance (LoA). Applicants must then submit the LoA through the EMPM platform to complete their application.

The MSC is looking for two interns for the following position:

Virtual Internship in Research, Content Creation, and Science Communication

This virtual internship at the Myanmar Studies Centre (MSC) gives Myanmar students a unique opportunity to gain practical experience in research, content creation, article writing, and science communication. Interns will engage in a variety of activities, including:

  • Assisting with Burmese-language research.
  • Creating and preparing content for the center’s social media platforms.
  • Researching and suggesting documentary films for screening at the center, including contacting directors to secure screening licenses.
  • Writing at least one article on a chosen topic related to Myanmar. This article will undergo peer review and guidance before being published on the center’s blog (accessible here:

The goal of this internship is to empower Myanmar students by equipping them with a diverse set of skills, enabling them to leverage their strengths and advance their professional growth.


Max. 15 weeks


15 September 2025

Weekly commitment:

3-5 hours per week

Program objectives:

1. Provide students with practical research and communication skills.

2. Develop and refine their writing skills.

3. Enable effective communication of academic and creative content.

4. Provide opportunities to engage with European researchers specializing in Myanmar.



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